News about Covid 19
Covid-19 pandemic
You are planing to go to travel? What should you know?
recent news on “Ärzteblatt”
strenghten your immune system with our premium products
NEW! Measurement of neutralizing corona antibodies
Measurement of neutralizing corona antibodies
- Bloodtest
- quantitative in BAU / ml
- Result in 15 min
- available at: Metropolitan Pharmacy Frankfurt
- by appointment
These antibodies represent the individual protection that the disease or the vaccination has left in the immune system and that decreases over time – since the values vary from person to person, it is worth taking a follow-up measurement in about 3 months.
Easy testing:
One certificate.
Countless application possibilities.
At Metropolitan Pharmacy you can get an Online-Test-Kit for your easy and quick Test with certification. You will get guided through the test by video – if the test is negative, a certification will be sent to your email account.
For more Information ask your Metropolitan Pharmacy!
This is how it works
3. performance
The test is carried out and recorded according to instructions. Your recording will then be viewed and assessed by our trained staff and the test result officially certified. The recording will be deleted after the assessment. The protection of your personal data has the highest priority at all times!
4. certificate
You can receive your certificate in up to 28 different languages. You will receive it by e-mail and it can be viewed as a PDF. Positive test results can be sent to the competent health authority and you will receive important information on rules of conduct and the request to confirm the result with a PCR test.
Vaccination in comparison:

Astra Zeneca
vector vaccine
2 vaccines at a distance of 12 weeks
Effectiveness: 80 %.
Sideeffects: Fatigue, pain on area of injection. If you get symptoms as strong headache, visual impairment, Breastache, swollen legs, sustained stomach ache, after days or weeks after the vaccination, please consult your doctor immediately.
Storage: 2 to 8°C and not frozen, unopend 6 month.

2 Vaccines at a distance of 3 to 6 weeks
Effectiveness: 95 %.
Sideeffects: pain on the area of injection. Light headache or muscle pain. After the second vaccinations fiever can be occur.
Storage: mRNA is very sensible. Unopened -90°C bis -60°C up to six month, at 2 to 8°C up to 31 days.

2 vaccines at a distance of 4 to 6 weeks
Effectiveness: 95 %.
Sideeffects: pain on the area of injection. Light reactions could be fatigue, headache, muscle pain or nausea. After second vaccinations a fiever may occur.
Storage: mRNA-Impfstoff needs to be constant stored between -25 to -15°C. Unopened stable 7 month. Storage between 2 to 8°C is maximum possible for 30 days.
Covid - 19 immunologically relevant supplements

Selen 200 µg
Vitamin D 2000 – 4000 I.E.
Vitamin A 2500 – 5000 I.E.
Zinc 15 – 30 mg
Vitamin C 500 – 1000 mg
(Ester C, Zinc + D + C)
Handdesinfection “Met Hand Sanitizer” not available anymore!
We keep in touch with the latest news!
Do you not only expect a complete, inexpensive range of medicines from your airport pharmacy, but also individual advice on all health issues? Then Metropolitan Pharmacy is the first place to go when it comes to pandemic supplies. We take our time to select the high-quality and certified goods for you. At your request, too – if the offer does not include the right item, please contact us! With our good relationships with our suppliers, we try to more than satisfy your needs.
We work closely with manufacturers from all over the world, keep our range up to date and think far beyond the usual and typical pharmacy goods.
Home Test
We offer you the following Hometest:
- Hotgen
- MEDsan (only for trained people)
- Feel free to ask us about our current range

Tests for trained staff - with certificate
The MEDsan® SARS-CoV-2 Ag Duo is an immunochromatographic solid phase test for the qualitative in vitro detection of specific antigens of SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2) in human saliva and nasal swab samples. Antigen is generally detectable in human saliva and nasal swab specimens during the acute phase of infection. This makes the MEDsan® SARS-CoV-2 Ag Duo one of the easiest to use and apply rapid tests.
The application is carried out by trained staff (who do not have to be medical!)
- quick result – 15 – 20 minutes
- easy to use
- Test option whenever no laboratory is available
- Made in Germany
- Test cassette
- extraction tube with buffer solution
- sample swab
- available with 1 or 25 pc. in a box
- Leaflet (DE, EN, IT, ES, FR, PL, PT, RU)
order details

If you like to get the latest order form, please feel free to let us know.